Happy Bunnies Pre-school - Southampton
Phone: 023 8044 3404

Opening Times
We operate Monday to Friday 08-45 until
14.45, term time only.
Sessions run:
Morning -
Afternoon -
All Day -
08.45 to 11.45
11.45 to 14.45
08.45 to 14.45
If you are looking for pre-school provision for your child please contact us by clicking here.
Children are funded from the term after their third birthday, subject to spaces being available. Fees from September 2024 are £23.00 per session for 2 year olds and £18.21 per session for 3 and 4 year olds. All fees need to be paid in advance. Each session is for 3 hours.
What to wear?
We ask that you dress your child for mess!!!
Uniform is available to order if you wish, but it is not compulsory.
Uniform can be found online here -
What To Bring?
Children will need to bring:
a change of clothes
an empty named water bottle
lunch box (for children attending all day or afternoon sessions)
sun hats, cream and wellies (depending on weather conditions)
nappies, nappy sacks and wipes (if not toilet trained)
Please ensure that all items are clearly marked with the child's name.
Packed Lunches
In line with national guidance, we encourage children to eat healthy food. Items should be placed in a lunch box, if possible with a cooler as we do not have a fridge to store them in. Please do not include too many items as they will struggle to finish it all. We suggest 3-4 items and a drink.
An ideal lunch would consist of; wholemeal bread sandwich, piece of fruit and fromage frais.