Happy Bunnies Pre-school - Southampton
Phone: 023 8044 3404

The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum (EYFS) sets the basis for all learning that takes place at Happy Bunnies. Here you can find out how we plan activities to learn and develop pre-school skills through play.
If you require more details about the EYFS download this pdf Parents guide.
Personal, Social & Emotional Development
Social skills e.g. turn taking, sharing and making friends
Support children to deal with their feelings
Helping children to understand the rules and boundaries
Communication and language
Communication e.g. interacting with each other, building relationships with both adults and children and taking turns in conversation
Language e.g. linking language to actions in songs and rhyme
Physical Development
Movement and space e.g. clapping songs, simon says...
Health and body awareness e.g. good hygiene practice and know when they feel the need to go to the toilet , rest, eat or drink etc.
Using a wide range of small and large equipment and resources during play, too develop motor skills and hand-eye co-ordination. Using a range of malleable materials to pat, pinch, poke and stroke etc
Literacy Development
Read stories to children
Enjoy mark-marking activities
Understanding of the World
Encouraging children to talk about what they have observed
Exploring a wide range of technological toys
Maths Development
Encouraging counting and using number language during play
Providing opportunities to measure time, weight and volume; using scoops, scales and measuring jugs during sand and water play
Recognising numbers when playing
Enjoy completing puzzles
Expressive Arts and Design
Exploring media and material e.g. Creating and experimenting with blocks, colours and marks
Creating music and dance e.g. exploring different sounds of instruments, joining in with dance and ring games and singing
Developing imagination e.g. make-believe during role play, using props and resources to support their play. To play alongside other children.
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